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subnetAIR 2024
Artist in Residence Program in Salzburg



Welcome to subnetAIR

The artist in residence program subnetAIR creates experimental production spaces for media artists: every year, three to six scholarship holders come to Salzburg for six weeks to explore the intersections between art, society and media with their work.
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subnetAIR is a cooperation between the Center for Human Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg) and subnet. Around the artists' residency, subnetAIR offers an in-depth supporting program with talks, workshops and opportunities for encounters.
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Pavel Ruzyak

Pavel Ruzyak lives in Prague and works as a director of documentaries and feature films. Apart from the artistic career, he has been active in volunteering, social issues, youth politics and international relations.
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Do you have to be able to see to make a film? With his work Pavel Ruzyak wants to show that creative expression is not a question of eyesight. Hence, he is working on a training for visually impaired people, who want to work creatively with the medium film.

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In the art sector, skepticism towards artificial intelligence currently dominates. But Pavel's project shows how useful human-computer interaction can be in creating artistic projects without crossing ethical boundaries or outsourcing creativity. In Salzburg he worked towards the (re)design of an interactive camera with which blind people can create their short videos more independently.

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As soon as you are taken out of your normal life, new ideas can come up. According to Pavel, this is what made this residency in Salzburg so precious.

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Jatun Risba

Jatun Risba is a migrant transmedia artist from Slovenia. Their work engages with ecofeminist and posthumanist discourses through performance art, conceptual art, relational art, and practices of abjection, détournement, and art intervention.
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A language that makes no judgmental distinction between living beings on the planet: regardless of whether they are people, animals, plants or fungi. This idea is at the center of an ongoing project, which Jatun Risba has been working on since 2019. In the interview they talks about the origins and background of the language of kinship.

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At Schmiede Hallein, Jatun presented their BE-COMING KI-N PORTAL. After Schmiede, they used the subsequent time at HCI Salzburg to work experimentally on measuring brain waves in the artistic context.

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The opportunity to devote yourself freely and without restrictions to your own topics and working methods: according to Jatun, this is exactly what makes subnetAIR so special.

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Gaurav Patekar

Gaurav Patekar is a new media artist who lives and works in Bangalore, India. He creates media art, particularly kinetic artworks that take inspiration from movements in nature. He is deeply interested in understanding our relationship with ecology and technology and how it informs behavior.

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The climate crisis affects us all, but it is still difficult to grasp for most people. Over the last years, Gaurav has been making kinetic data sculptures by juxtaposing natural botanical elements with digitally fabricated mechanisms. These sculptures are based on climate change data. They communicate this data through movement and allow audiences to feel the climate crisis as an alternative to reading or looking at charts.

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Curiosity and playfulness are two important aspects in Gaurav's artistic work. It is also important to him to incorporate the special features of the respective environment into his work. For the residency, he spent a lot of time in the nature around Hallein and was inspired by the local fauna.

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subnetAIR is Gaurav’s first residency in Europe. What he particularly values: the exchange with artists, scientists and students, that creates a very special mix of perspectives.

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